Saturday 22 October 2011

Time for tea

Afternoon tea is back in fashion as we know. There's also nothing worse than a cold cuppa, so as retro way of keeping your teapot warm a tea cozy is definitely the answer.

A while ago I bought a small collection of small remnants of fabric which the only obvious thing to do with them is patchwork but there wasn't enough for a blanket so a tea cozy is the perfect solution. I started by laying out my rectangles of material and decided in which order I wanted them. I then started sewing them together like a patchwork.

View from the front

View from the back. As you can see they have all been sewn together with about 5mm at each side to make the view fro the front much tidier.

You want the pattern to be much bigger than your teapot as it needs to fit around it. I found it handy to keep the teapot handy. Once I had both sides done I then added a layer of wadding and another layer of material for the inside of the cozy. Trim into a rounded shape at the top and sew each side together. Then it's time to attach both sides. Lay the patterned sides out facing each other and sew around each side except the bottom side.

Turn the cozy the right way round. All you need to do now is tidy up the edges at the bottom, attach a handle if you want and use it

It does keep your tea all snuggly on these cold nights

Also can be used to keep a friend's head warm too.

Sorry about the lack of detail with the pictures. i got carried away in making it and forgot to take many. Doh!

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