Wednesday 9 May 2012

Seating Pads

Seating pads are something I see everywhere at this time of year. Everyone is getting ready for summer (or the 2 days in Glasgow that resemble summer) and all the shops are full of outdoor dining tables, chairs and fluorescent plastic plates. Seating pads are handy in that you can put them on any chair to make it much nicer to sit on and then take them inside before it rains. Looking around the shops they do range in price from anything from £1 to £15 and more.

I'm not lucky enough at the moment to have a garden but my kitchen could do with some brightening up and comfier seats. I didn't want to spend too much on doing this so decided to make my own.

Instead of buying new material I went to the pound shop and bought some pretty looking tea towels.

I then cut them down to large squares, turned them front to front and stitched around the outside. Really just like every other cushion I've ever made. I left a hole in one side where I could stuff it. I still had wadding left from another project so used that before stitching up the hole.

To add some detail and make the usual cushion pad shape I stitched a button into the middle, stitching all the way through the cushion to give a more defined shape.

I then attached some ribbon onto one side of the cushion to use as ties.

I'm quite proud of my little cushion pad and will have to get on and make 3 more so all the seats match.
You could use any old or recycled material, buttons and ribbon for this and they don't have to match in every detail, in fact it will probably look better if they don't. If you want more in depth details then just let me know.

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